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One ViSion

As I walked down the street in the Saudi city of Alula, I heard a man whispering "Welcome, Welcome to Saudi Arabia", looking at the ground and without even stopping.
Symbolically, this gesture represents the first attempt at opening by a people who have been closed in their own bubble for years.
In its Vision 2030 project, Saudi Arabia seeks to shed its unflattering reputation as a hermetic, extremist, and intolerant nation and try to promote innovative development.
Saudi Arabia would like to become a regional financial power, drastically reducing its dependence on oil revenues and Tourism is a crucial part of the Vision 2030 project.
Alula aims to become a leader in luxury tourism, sustainability, art and culture.
Located 1000 and 700 km from Riyadh and Jeddah, this small desert town is surrounded by date palm plantations and red and yellow sand canyons in the middle of a desert landscape.

This year Alula was back to normal after two years of battling the Covid Pandemic, hosting numerous art exhibitions and events, as well as being a busy season for tourism.
Women at work has increased as a result.
Women are presumably seen as an essential part of economic expansion in Vision 2030, with greater gender equality being an essential component. By the end of the plan, women's participation in the workforce should increase from 22% to 30%.
In spite of these new opportunities for women, they still remain second class citizens in Saudi society.
This is because of the male guardianship system, which requires them to obtain permission from a male figure, usually a husband or father, in order to do common tasks such as traveling or attending college.
Although the Vision 2030 plan claims to aim for a "strong, prosperous, and stable Saudi Arabia that provides opportunities for all," it fails to mention women's rights or democratic reform.

Passeggiando per la strada nella città saudita di Alula, un signore mi ha detto passando a fianco : "Welcome, Welcome in Saudi", guardando per terra e senza nemmeno fermarsi.
Questo gesto rappresenta metaforicamente il primo tentativo di apertura di un popolo che per anni è rimasto chiuso nella propria bolla.
Con il progetto Vision 2030 L’Arabia Saudita tenta di scrollarsi di dosso l'infelice immagine di un paese ermetico, estremista, poco tollerante e punta a uno sviluppo innovativo.
Non sará una sfida facile.
"Saudi Vision 2030" fortemente voluto dal principe ereditario Mohammed bin Salman, vorrebbe trasformare l’Arabia Saudita in una potenza finanziaria regionale, riducendo drasticamente la dipendenza dalle entrate petrolifere.
L’incremento del turismo straniero é parte del progetto Vision 2030.
Alula vuole diventare la punta di diamante di un turismo d’ elite , dove il lusso si sposa con l'ecosostenibilità e la cultura.
Questa piccola cittadina si trova in mezzo al deserto, a una distanza notevole da Riyadh e Jeddah, ( 1000 e 700 km di distanza), immersa tra il verde delle piantagioni di palme da dattero e i bellissimi canyon dalla sabbia rossa e gialla.
Il primo sito del patrimonio Unesco - Hegra - la principale città del regno nabateo, è poco distante e si possono ammirare centinaia di tombe scavate nella roccia arenaria e ancora meravigliosamente intatte.
A venti chilometri dal centro storico, immerso in un maestoso Canyon, splende di luce riflessa il teatro Maraya.
Maraya ( specchio in arabo) é un imponente edificio a cubo interamente rivestito di specchi, progettato dall' architetto Florian Boje, vincitore di prestigiosi premi per la sua atipica architettura.
Concepito per eventi e concerti di artisti internazionali, accoglie al suo interno anche esposizioni di arte moderna e contemporanea.
In questa stagione ha avuto grande risonanza la mostra della collezionista Basma Al Sulaiman, What Lies Within.
Nata e cresciuta a Jeddah è la fondatrice di BAS MOCA, il Museo di Arte Contemporanea, ed è la prima donna a ricevere un premio dal governo saudita per i suoi contributi alla sfera artistica e culturale del paese.
Diametralmente opposto al Maraya si é allestita la biennale d’arte contemporanea internazionale, Desert X 2022.
Una mostra d’arte con le opere di 15 artisti sauditi e internazionali, invitati a dialogare con il paesaggio desertico e a considerare questi archetipi.
Una maggiore parità di genere è presumibilmente una parte di Vision 2030, con le donne viste come una componente essenziale dell’espansione economica. Nonostante Vision 2030 miri ad aumentare la partecipazione delle donne alla forza lavoro dal 22% al 30%, il piano non fa alcun riferimento ai diritti umani o alle riforme democratiche.

An artwork exhibited at Alula Oasis Reborn's exhibition.
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An artwork exhibited at Alula Oasis Reborn's exhibition.
The Oasis Reborn Exhibition. Located in the palm-grove of Mabiti AlUla, the exhibition invites you to immerse yourself in the cultural oasis of AlUla and discover new perspectives on this ancient landscape.
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The Oasis Reborn Exhibition. Located in the palm-grove of Mabiti AlUla, the exhibition invites you to immerse yourself in the cultural oasis of AlUla and discover new perspectives on this ancient landscape.
Inside a restaurant, a Saudi woman prays.
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Inside a restaurant, a Saudi woman prays.
The Maraya Theatre in Alula
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The Maraya Theatre in Alula
A press conference to close the exhibition What Lies Within, curated by the collector Basma Al Sulaiman. Born and raised in Jeddah, she is the founder of BAS MOCA, the Museum of Contemporary Art, and is the first woman to receive an award from the Saudi government for her contributions to the country's artistic and cultural sphere.
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A press conference to close the exhibition What Lies Within, curated by the collector Basma Al Sulaiman.
Born and raised in Jeddah, she is the founder of BAS MOCA, the Museum of Contemporary Art, and is the first woman to receive an award from the Saudi government for her contributions to the country's artistic and cultural sphere.
The elephant rock is a popular tourist attraction. Visitors must show their vaccination certificate before entering.
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The elephant rock is a popular tourist attraction. Visitors must show their vaccination certificate before entering.
A Parfume photo-shooting
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A Parfume photo-shooting
Established in the Coachella Valley of Southern California, Desert X is an exhibition founded on the love of contemporary art and its ability to create cross-cultural dialogue while simultaneously engaging audiences and artists who think of art can live outside of the norm of museums and galleries.
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Established in the Coachella Valley of Southern California, Desert X is an exhibition founded on the love of contemporary art and its ability to create cross-cultural dialogue while simultaneously engaging audiences and artists who think of art can live outside of the norm of museums and galleries.
In Old Town, Saudi women and foreigners participated in the creation of an artistic mural.
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In Old Town, Saudi women and foreigners participated in the creation of an artistic mural.
Growing strawberries in a greenhouse.
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Growing strawberries in a greenhouse.
Saudi girls having their lunch break.
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Saudi girls having their lunch break.
A tourist tries the flight simulator
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A tourist tries the flight simulator
An explanation of the Unesco-listed Hegra from a tour guide.
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An explanation of the Unesco-listed Hegra from a tour guide.
One ViSion
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One ViSion
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Selfies are a favorite pastime among teens. Many accounts are private.
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Selfies are a favorite pastime among teens. Many accounts are private.
A perfumery employee assigned to promote women make-up.
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A perfumery employee assigned to promote women make-up.
Filipino workers visiting the 'Garden of moments" art work in Alula. In Saudi Arabia, many Philippinos work, and they send money home to their relatives. There are poor health and safety standards, low wages, and abhorrent living conditions for workers in the labor force.
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Filipino workers visiting the 'Garden of moments" art work in Alula.

In Saudi Arabia, many Philippinos work, and they send money home to their relatives.
There are poor health and safety standards, low wages, and abhorrent living conditions for workers in the labor force.
This art work installation created patterns of sound and light activated by peoples' movements and interactions. Guests tapped, listened, watched and interacted with this thought-provoking installation.
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This art work installation created patterns of sound and light activated by peoples' movements and interactions. Guests tapped, listened, watched and interacted with this thought-provoking installation.
One ViSion
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Creation of a commercial spot outside Maraya theatre.
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Creation of a commercial spot outside Maraya theatre.
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